Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Submission Guidelines....

When the time comes, and you feel that your script and/or collaborative project is ready to shop around, this link might well be of some aid.


The folks who maintain it try to keep it up to date. However, should you run into a dead link on their page, don't just give up. Go to the main page of whichever publisher you're investigating and poke around. Don't let Error 404 stop you in your tracks.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Recommendations & Non-

So, someone asked the question this evening - and I'm paraphrasing here: "Can you recommend any bad comics?" The context being that we were discussing what not to do, how not to write a comic.

There are certainly poorly written books out there, but I'm going to waffle - just a little - and say that it's all subjective. In class, I name-checked a DC collection called Cosmic Odyssey that came out sometime in the '80's. I bought it a couple months back. I read it. Didn't care for it. Too much exposition - another of tonight's topics - and a lot of talking and thinking, though the latter was at least handled in captions and not thought balloons. And the general story - protecting the universe from some Evil Dark Force that was going to break through - was rather meh. That said - just my opinion. Your mileage may very.

Now, I've come home and have been trying to find other books to recommend as "bad" examples. I'm hard-pressed to do so. Not that everything I buy and read is awesome. I'm just a bit of a writing snob. I find the few guys I really like and read their stuff, with few exceptions. Grant Morrison. Alan Moore. Warren Ellis. Each of these guys have a shelf to themselves. The Walking Dead. Y: The Last Man. Scott Pilgrim. I have the full collection of each. Neil Gaiman. Mignola's Hellboy and some of B.P.R.D. First five volumes of Dark Horse's Conan. Kingdom Come. Marvels. There's very little that I own that I cannot recommend. So, while I may be at a loss to come up with any further examples of what not to do in a comic, let me toss out some off-the-cuff favorites in no particular order - some of which might be new to you....

Girls by the Luna Brothers is like The Walking Dead, but with homicidal naked women. As exploitative as that may sound - the characters of the small town are beautifully written. Like The Walking Dead, they're the reason I kept turning pages and bought all four volumes.

Any of the Criminal series of books by Ed Brubaker (He also writes a few books for Marvel these days, including Secret Avengers. If you're looking for a current monthly, I don't think you'll go wrong with that.)

Captain Britain and MI:13 was a short-lived Marvel series focusing on heroes from across the pond, and written by Paul Cornell. Magic, aliens, and the little known fact that Dr. Doom's armor is flecked with pieces of the True Cross. (Trust me, this last is actually important.)

Casanova by Matt Fraction is a mad, parallel universe-hopping, loonily plotted spy yarn that's funny, inventive, sexy, and hoo-boy crazy. (Fraction is big wheel at Marvel right now, writing X-Men, Thor, Iron Man, and I'm sure something I just can't recall.)

Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk by Damon Lindelof of Lost fame. This book had a HUGE gap between issues two and three, but the final complete tale is a marvel - pun intended - of storytelling expertise. If you hated all the flashbacking in his TV show, you might not care for this. However, if you like getting the important bits of info only when you absolutely need them, then you might give this a whirl.

The Books of Magic, Vol. 1 is written by Neil Gaiman and focuses on a young boy who will grow to be the greatest magician of all time. Kid even looks like Harry Potter, but this was published in 1990, so there. The story is great, taking the kid to the land of faeries, a demonic party in San Francisco(!), and the end of time. Never bothered with subsequent books as they're not written by Gaiman. Did I mention I'm a writing snob?

Real quick - some quick nods to the three guys who get their own shelves in my abode....

Grant Morrison - The Invisibles, New X-Men, Seven Soldiers of Victory, Doom Patrol, We3, All-Star Superman, and his Batman run, which started with Batman, is wrapping up in the current Batman and Robin, and will transition to the new Batman Incorporated starting later this month

Alan Moore - As I said in class tonight, Promethea is the best comic I've read. Moore's segues into long dissertations on the tarot and qabalah put some folks off, but the story is amazing and the art by J.H. Williams III is some of the best out there. (Side note: Inked by AAU's own Mick Gray.) Other books: From Hell, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and his run on Swamp Thing is just about as inventive as his work on Watchmen. Seriously.

Warren Ellis - I've cooled to him a bit in recent years, but he's got more than a few standouts, including Global Frequency, Planetary, Ocean, The Authority, and the relatively obscure Aetheric Mechanics - just about the most messed up Sherlock Holmes story ever.

All right. So, I didn't manage to come up with any other "bad" examples. I'll keep thinking about it and post more when/if I'm successful.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Beauty and Importance of Research

Lifting this in whole from my beloved i09. The article's original title: There's No Substitute for Getting Your Hands Dirty When You Research a Story.

Comic book writer and novelist Greg Rucka lists some of the craziest things he's done in the name of research. You can find out a lot of stuff on the Internet, but there's no substitute for real experience.

Best interview question I've ever been asked: What's the worst thing your parents think you've done? Not actually done, but that they think you've done.

My answer: Heroin.

I love doing research. It's like cheating, but with permission.

Here are some of the things I have done in the name of Research: learned to ride a motorcycle; became a certified EMT for both New York State and Monterey County, California; had my sneakers stick to the floor in a peep-show booth back when Times Square was not a place where you took the kids; drunk tea with nuns; crawled through the Portland Shanghai Tunnels; watched a domme flog her sub in an S&M club while he hung on a St. Andrew's Cross; visited the Oregon State Police Crime Lab; learned to play guitar from a former member of Everclear; learned how to field-strip an M1911; gone on countless ride-alongs in countless cities; fired an HK MP5 on single, three-round, and full-auto; fired a Tommy Gun (only full-auto); fired many other types of firearms; hung out with junkies; hung out with methheads; hung out with rock bands; argued politics with a Political Officer at the State Department; gotten bronchitis standing in Lancashire fields taking reference photographs; been politely asked to leave the premises of Vauxhall Cross; run a day-long "scavenger hunt" through New York City and the boroughs (had to see if the route was possible, and to get the timing down); gotten sick-drunk with men who wouldn't talk to me sober; been attacked by rats; trespassed; eavesdropped; learned the best way to burn someone alive; used a Starbucks bathroom seat-cover dispenser for a dead drop; been laughed at, mocked, threatened, and ignored.

Some of the things I've done.

There's no substitute for getting your hands dirty when you research a storyIn this day and age, it's easy to be lazy with research, possible to fake it altogether. I say this as a fan of the web, of search engines and the dark corners of the Net where the strange facts lurk. My own research, in fact, normally starts in two places-on the web and in the library. I hit sites like Google Earth to get the lay of the land and YouTube to see the places that I cannot reach myself for one reason or another (say, Dubai); I abuse free trials at sites like Jane's Information Group, and I pay for the right to comb Highbeam for articles and photographs. Ten minutes with a search engine-five if your webfu is really cracking-and you'll find sites even more esoteric, more specific, more . . . well, insane, really. Web forums discussing the best yeast to use in making your Malbec, or how to fit a SOCOM silencer to a Walther P99.

And all of that looks good, but if it ends there, it is cheating. The best stuff is rarely posted online. To get that, you need the people. I met one of my best resources because I cold-called the local FBI office one day early in my career with questions. The agent who took the call knew someone who knew someone who was ex-Army, trained in personal protection. The resulting introduction was one of the best, most enduring friendships I've ever enjoyed.

That kind of serendipity isn't as rare as you might think. Some of the best moments I've ever written have come about because someone, somewhere, blew my preconceptions out of the water and dropped a detail in passing that took the work in an entirely new, entirely unexpected, direction.

There's a flip side. You can't unlearn what you learn. There are facts I encountered while researching Walking Dead that I would much rather forget. But these are facts I believe must be shared, ugliness that must be confronted, albeit through the veil of fiction. The world must be illuminated. Good fiction can both entertain and light up those dark corners where nice people don't want to go.

There's no substitute for getting your hands dirty when you research a story

I think of research as an iceberg. The one-eighth of it that makes it onto the page rises from the seven-eighths nobody sees. The Twainism applies: "I never write Metropolis for seven cents because I can get the same price for city. I never write policeman because I can get the same money for cop." For me, fiction lives and dies on two factors-its emotional sincerity and its choosing of the right details. The first comes from the writer's heart as much as the imagination, the honesty of our lives, no matter how we dress it up, no matter where or when we set our stories. The second comes from that chunk of iceberg nobody sees, and knowing when, and how, to deploy the facts to service the story. In concert, there is resonance, meaning to the story, power in the telling.

As a writer of fiction I'm a professional dissembler, but I have my rules. Story comes first. Confronted by a choice between the Facts and the Fiction, my duty is to the Fiction, thank you very much. If I can somehow manage to do that right, I'll perhaps, just perhaps, reveal the Truth.

Or at least a truth.

The story doesn't need to be real.

But it must be realistic.

Pick the details to serve the story.

Find the heart to make it matter.

Images: Man with Tommy Gun by Jason Waterhouse on Flickr. Icebergs ahead by Heaven's Gate (John) on Flickr.

There's no substitute for getting your hands dirty when you research a storyGreg Rucka just signed a three-book deal with Mulholland Books for an all-new series, three thrillers of a "reverse Bourne Identity" scenario involving a former Delta Force operator who discovers that his allies are pursuing a dark agenda far different than his own. Rucka is the author of more than a dozen novels and innumerable comic books. His new novel, The Last Run, is an espionage tale featuring Tara Chace, and will be released on October 26th. He is currently researching his new novel, Alpha, which is proving a tough nut to crack. You can find his website at www.gregrucka.com, and his irregular tweets @ruckawriter. This post originally appeared at the Mulholland Books website.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Suspense vs. Surprise

There is a distinct difference between "suspense" and "surprise," and yet many pictures continually confuse the two. I'll explain what I mean.

We are now having a very innocent little chat. Let's suppose that there is a bomb underneath this table between us. Nothing happens, and then all of a sudden, "Boom!" There is an explosion. The public is surprised, but prior to this surprise, it has seen an absolutely ordinary scene, of no special consequence. Now, let us take a suspense situation. The bomb is underneath the table and the public knows it, probably because they have seen the anarchist place it there. The public is aware the bomb is going to explode at one o'clock and there is a clock in the decor. The public can see that it is a quarter to one. In these conditions, the same innocuous conversation becomes fascinating because the public is participating in the scene. The audience is longing to warn the characters on the screen: "You shouldn't be talking about such trivial matters. There is a bomb beneath you and it is about to explode!"

In the first case we have given the public fifteen seconds of surprise at the moment of the explosion. In the second we have provided them with fifteen minutes of suspense. The conclusion is that whenever possible the public must be informed. Except when the surprise is a twist, that is, when the unexpected ending is, in itself, the highlight of the story.

from Hitchcock by Truffaut

Friday, September 24, 2010

The "F*@% Yeah" Moment

Not all of your stories will call for this. That said, I challenge you to think of a dramatic, engaging tale that doesn't have a moment where - at the very least - you say to yourself, "YES!" That's the F*@% Yeah Moment.

From the intro at io9:

What makes you invest in a character? Is it when you understand their motivations, or glimpse their all-too-human foibles? When they have rich, multi-layered relationships? Sure, those things all help. But what really helps is the all-important "f*@% yeah" moment.

The All-Important "F*@% Yeah" Moment

Adventures in Plotting

Stumbled upon this while looking for tips for class. While it's directed at children's publishing, the basic gists of plotting, structuring, and even outlining are presented in a helpful format. If you're having trouble in any of these areas, give this a try.

Plotting Made Easy - The Complications Worksheet

Trailer for Every Oscar-Winning Movie Ever

Teena reminded me of this video. While it's quite hilarious, it also serves as a great example of traditional key story elements. Get from it what you will.

And Here... We... Go!

Stuff for you all. Resources. References. Ideas. Stuff that ties in as a supplement to the course. Stuff that doesn't, but still pertains to the spirit.

Think of this all as the Bonus Features on the DVD that is the class.